Dear students!
Within the framework of a partnership with the Association of Universities and Consulting Companies of the Silk Road Countries, the Kuzbass State Technical University named after T.F. Gorbachev invites students to undergo academic mobility remotely on a free basis.
You can choose either one or several disciplines, but only within one specialty. The list of disciplines and consultation (until 04.09.2020) can be obtained at the dean’s offices and in the Department of International Cooperation and Academic Mobility. The training will be conducted in Russian and English.
Sincerely, Vice-Rector
Supervising Vice-rector for Strategic Development and Planning, Associate Professor of the University Suleimenova Balkhia Serikbayevna.
Coordinator for Academic mobility of the University and International Cooperation – G. Sarsenova
Main activities: Coordination of preparation and implementation of international academic mobility plans for educational programs of students and teaching staff at the University, informing and advising teachers/staff and students about opportunities in the field of international academic mobility. Responsible for covering the international activities of the Department on the University’s website, receiving foreign delegations.
Academic mobility of students, teachers and staff is one of the main principles of the Bologna Declaration and one of the important areas of international activity. It contributes to improving the quality of higher education, increasing the efficiency of scientific research, improving the management system, establishing external and internal integration ties, and fulfilling the mission of the university. After acquiring the status of the UDN named after Academician A.Kuatbekov in January 2019, the “Department of International Cooperation and Academic Mobility” was opened at the university. The Department carries out its activities on the basis of the Charter of the University, the strategic plan for the development of the University 2017-2020, the Regulations on the department and the procedures of the QMS UDN PP 20-01-2016.
The main goal of the department: integration into the international educational space, the use of global educational resources.
The goals, objectives and general rules for ensuring and implementing individual academic mobility correspond to the basic principles of the Bologna Declaration.
The rules and procedures for the implementation of academic mobility apply to full-time students, undergraduates, doctoral students, as well as full-time teachers and University staff.
The Strategic Plan for the Development of the University for 2017-2020 has been developed and approved, which is the basis for long-term and current planning of international cooperation, implementation of appropriate policies, solving organizational, financial and personnel issues of managing international activities together with other universities. The international activities of the university are carried out under the guidance of the Vice-Rector for Strategic Development and Planning B.S. Suleimenova. The Department of International Cooperation and Academic Mobility is a structural unit for strategic development and planning of the University.
- development and organization of events for the development of international relations of the University;
- creating conditions for the development of scientific research and educational activities based on the university’s participation in international organizations, projects, programs;
- cooperation with leading universities of the near and far abroad in the field of education and science;
- assistance in attracting foreign teachers and lecturers from foreign countries, exchange of students and specialists with foreign partners;
- preparation and reception of foreign delegations arriving at the University with official, working, unofficial (private) visits, travel visits; organization of seminars, conferences of international level;
- administrative and legal support of foreign citizens arriving at the University for preparatory courses, studies or internships.
- bilateral and multilateral cooperation/partnership and exchange;
- membership in international associations/institutes and cooperation with them in the field of higher education and science;
- contacts with diplomatic representatives of other countries;
- participation in international programs and projects;
- invitation and admission of foreign students, scientists and teachers to the University, coordination of their work/study and stay in Kazakhstan;
- coordination of the provision of foreign business trips of University staff;
- provision of protocol functions.
Since the beginning of 2019, in order to effectively and fruitfully develop international relations, the Department of International Cooperation and Academic Mobility has been participating in all events taking place both at the university itself and outside it.
The purpose of the Department of International Cooperation and Academic Mobility is to organize and coordinate the University’s participation in international cooperation programs aimed at improving the quality of education.
Within the framework of the development of international relations, close cooperation is conducted with Embassies of foreign states, Academic centers (universities, research centers) of the countries of the near and far abroad;
– coordination and organization of international relations, implementation of the concept of international cooperation of the University;
– formation of international cooperation programs;
– participation in programs of bilateral and multilateral exchange of students, teachers and researchers;
– involvement of the teaching staff in international cooperation;
– organization of participation of specialists in international conferences, seminars, exhibitions; provision of public relations;
– organization of training of foreign students arriving at the University under intergovernmental and interuniversity agreements, as well as on an individual basis;
– implementation of ongoing consulting and other assistance to University departments and staff; organization of work of foreign teachers at the University, namely passport and visa support, preparation of invitations, preparation of stay programs, translation of the text of contracts;
– implementation of information and representation activities;
– development of proposals and coordination of the work of the structural units of the University on the conclusion of international agreements (agreements), coordination of work on the implementation of international cooperation programs, agreements (agreements) in the field of education, as well as scientific activities.
32 Tole bi str. (Main building)
1st floor, 108-kab.
Тел.: 8(5272) 95 23 09
Academic mobility is Academic mobility (Academic mobility) – the movement of students or research teachers for a certain academic period (including the passage of academic or industrial practice), usually a semester or academic year, to another higher educational institution (within the country or abroad) for training or research with mandatory transfer in accordance with the established the order of completed educational programs in the form of loans at your university.
Distinguish between external (international) and internal (national) academic mobility.
External academic mobility refers to the training of students in foreign universities, as well as the work of research teachers in foreign educational or scientific institutions.
Internal academic mobility refers to the training of students, as well as the work of research teachers in leading Kazakh universities.
№ | Foreign Partner University | Domestic Partner University | |
1. | Верхнесилезский экономический университет (Катовице, Польша)
Срок действия договора: 2018-2021 гг. |
“ЮКГУ имени М.Ауезова” (г. Шымкент, ЮКО)
Срок действия договора: 2016-2019 гг., 2018-2023 |
2. | Кармель колледж (г. Далята-Кармель, Израиль)
Срок действия договора: 2017-2022 гг. |
“Сырдария” университет (г.Жетисай, ЮКО)
2017-2022жж. 2015-2018жж. |
3. | Московский открытый институт (г. Москва, Россия)
Срок действия договора: 2014-2019 гг. |
“Атырауский государственный университет им.Х.Досмұхамдова” (г. Атырау, ЮКО)
Срок действия договора: 2015-2020 гг. |
4. | Российская академия естествознания (г.Москва, Россия)
Срок действия договора: 2014-2019 гг. |
“Региональный социально-инновационный университет” (г. Шымкент, ЮКО)
Срок действия договора: 2016-2021 гг. |
5. | Санкт-Петербургский государственный технологический институт (г. Санкт- Петербург, Россия)Срок действия договора: 2016-2021 гг. | Академия “Көкше”” (г. Кокшетау, Акмолинская область)
Срок действия договора: 2015-2018 гг. |
6. | Международная Академия психологических наук. (г. Ярославль, Россия)
Срок действия договора: 2016-2021 гг. |
“Кокшетауский университет им. А.Мырзахметова” (г. Кокшетау, Акмолинская область)
Срок действия договора: 2016-2021 гг. |
7. | «Мордовский государственный педагогический институт имени М.Е. Евсеева» (г. Саранск, Республика Мордовия)
Срок действия договора: 2017-2022 гг. |
Таразский инновационно-педагогический университет (г. Тараз, РК)
Срок действия договора: 2019-2024 гг. |
8. | «Мордовский гуманитарный институт» (г. Саранск, Республика Мордовия)
Срок действия договора: 2017-2022 гг. |
Таразский государственный университет им.М.Х.Дулати (г. Тараз, РК)
Срок действия договора: 2019-2024 гг. |
9. | «Сибирский институт бизнеса и информационных технологий» (г. Омск, Россия)
Срок действия договора: 2014-2019 гг. |
ЮКГУ имени М.Ауезова научно-исследовательский институт «Математики и моделирование процессов» (г. Шымкент, ЮКО)
Срок действия договора: 2018-2023гг. |
10. | Рязанский государственный радиотехнический, университет (Российская Федерация, г. Рязань) Срок действия договора: 2018-2023гг. | Международный казахско-турецкий университет имени Х.А. Ясави (г. Туркестан, ЮКО) Срок действия договора: 2018-2023гг.
Срок действия договора: 2018-2023гг. |
11. | Национальный Университет Узбекистана
имени М. Улугбека (г. Ташкент, Узбекистан) Срок действия договора: 2015-2020 гг. |
ЮКГУ имени М.Ауэзова научно-исследовательский институт «Биотехнологии и Экология» (г. Шымкент, ЮКО)Срок действия договора: 2018-2023гг. | |
12. | Ташкентский химико-технологический институт (г. Ташкент, Узбекистан)
Срок действия договора: 2015-2020 гг. |
Мировых языков и Казахский университет международных связей имени Абылай хана (г. Алматы, Талдыкорганская область)
Срок действия договора: 2018-2023гг. |
13. | Таджикский педагогический институт в городе Пенджикент. (Таджикская Республика) Срок действия договора: 2016-2021 гг. | Казахский Национальный педагогический университет имени Абая (г. Алматы, Талдыкорганская область)
Срок действия договора: 2018-2023гг. |
14. | Кыргызский Государственный университет им. И. Арабаева (г. Бишкек, Кыргызстан) Срок действия договора: 2017-2022 гг. | Казахский Национальный педагогический университет имени Абая научно-исследовательский институт «История и правоведение» (г. Алматы, Талдыкорганская область)
Срок действия договора: 2018-2023гг. |
15 | Кыргызский государственный университет строительства, транспорта и архитектуры им Н. Исанова, (г. Бишкек, Республика Кыргызстан)
Срок действия договора: 2016-2021 гг. |
Казахский Национальный педагогический университет имени Абая «Педагогика и психология» научно-исследовательский институт (г. Алматы, Талдыкорганская область)
Срок действия договора: 2018-2023гг. |
16 | Университет «Адам»
(г. Бишкек, Республика Кыргызстан) Срок действия договора: 2017-2022 гг. |
Казахский Национальный педагогический университет имени Абая «Математики, физики и информатики» научно-исследовательский институт (г. Алматы, Талдыкорганская область)
Срок действия договора: 2018-2023гг. |
17 | Кыргызский Экономический универсиет им. М. Рыскулбекова (г. Бишкек, Кыргызстан)
Срок действия договора: 2017-2022 гг. |
Казахский Национальный педагогический университет имени Абая «Филологии и полиязычного образования» научно-исследовательский институт (г. Алматы, Талдыкорганская область)
Срок действия договора: 2018-2023гг. |
18 | Бишкекский гуманитарный университет (г. Бишкек, Республика Кыргызстан)
Срок действия договора: 2017-2022 гг. |
Казахский Национальный женский педагогический университет (г. Алматы, Талдыкорганская область)
Срок действия договора: 2018-2023гг. |
19 | Институт современных информационных технологий образования (г. Бишкек, Республика Кыргызстан)
Срок действия договора: 2017-2022 гг. |
Казахский Национальный университет имени Аль-Фараби (г. Алматы, Талдыкорганская область)
Срок действия договора: 2018-2023гг. |
20 | Институт Экономики и финансов (г. Бишкек, Республика Кыргызстан) Срок действия договора: 2017-2022 гг. | Международного университета Silk Way «Фундаментальных и прикладных исследований» научно-исследовательский институт (г. Шымкент, ЮКО)
Срок действия договора: 2018-2023гг. |
21 | Международный университет Кыргызской Республики (г. Бишкек, Республика Кыргызстан)
Срок действия договора: 2017-2022 гг. |
ЮКГУ имени М. Ауэзова «Центр психологии»Срок действия договора: 2017-2022гг. | |
22 | Кыргызский государственный технический университет им. Раззакова (г. Бишкек, Республика Кыргызстан)
Срок действия договора: 2018-2023гг. |
ЮКГУ имени М. Ауэзова «Абайтану» научно-исследовательский институт(г. Шымкент, ЮКО) Срок действия договора: 2017-2022гг. | |
23 | Казанский национальный исследовательский технологический университет (г.Казань, Российская Федерация)
Срок действия договора: 2014-2019гг. |
ЮКГУ имени М. Ауэзова «Истории и этнологии» научно-исследовательский центр (г. Шымкент, ЮКО)Срок действия договора: 2017-2022гг. | |
24 | Пермьский государственный гуманитарно-педагогический университет (г.Пермь, Российская Федерация)
Срок действия договора: 2017-2022гг. |
ЮКГУ имени М. Ауэзова «Проблемы региональной экономики» научно-исследовательский институт(г. Шымкент, ЮКО)Срок действия договора: 2017-2022гг. | |
25 | Ошский государственный университет (г. Ош, Республика Кыргызстан)
Срок действия договора: 2017-2022гг. |
Аркалыкский государственный педагогический институт им.И.Алтынсарина Срок действия договора: 2019-2024гг. | |
26 | Ташкентский финансовый институт (г.Ташкент, Узбекистан)
Срок действия договора: 2018-2023 гг. |
Кызылординский государственный университет им.Коркыт Ата Срок действия договора: 2018-2023 гг. | |
27 | Московский педагогический государственный университет (г.Москва, Российская Федерация) | Южно-Казахстанский государственный педагогический университетСрок действия договора: 2018-2023 гг. | |
28 | Бишкекская финансово-экономическая академия (г. Бишкек, Республика Кыргызстан) | Казахский университет технологии и бизнеса (г.Астана, РК) Срок действия договора: 2018-2023 гг. | |
29 | Московский финансово-промышленный университет «Синергия» (г.Москва, Российская Федерация) | ||
30 | Институт Ботаники и зоологии АНРУз (г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан) | ||
31 | Научно-исследовательский институт Харьковский областной общественной организации «Культура Здоровья» (г.Харьков, Украина)
Срок действия договора: 2019-2024 гг. |
32 | Коммунальное учреждение Сумской областной институт последипломного педагогического образования (г.Сумы, Украина)
Срок действия договора: 2019-2024 гг. |
33 | Меморандум между Посольством Республики Узбекистан в сфере высшего и послевузовского образования и повышения квалификации
Срок действия договора: 2018-2023 гг. |
34 | Камский институт гуманитарных и инженерных технологий (г.Ижевск, РФ)Срок действия договора: 2017-2022 гг. | ||
35 | Национальный институт имени Екатерины Великой (г.Москва, РФ) Срок действия договора: 2017-2022 гг. | ||
36 | Университет им.Нидэ Омера Халисдемира (г.Нигде, Турция) Срок действия договора: 2018-2023 гг. | ||
37 | Бухарский инженерно-технологический институт (г. Бухара, Республика Узбекистан)
Срок действия договора: 2019-2024 гг. |
38 | Бухарский государственный медицинский институт (г.Бухара, Республика Узбекистан)
Срок действия договора: 2019-2024 гг. |
The Coordinator for academic mobility of students, together with the deans, organizes the work of the Commission for the competition among students.
The selection of students to foreign universities is carried out on a competitive basis. To participate in the competition , you must submit an application to the Dean ‘s office .
- The main criteria for competitive selection are:
completion of one academic period, semester, module at the University, taking into account the GPA. For students traveling under the academic mobility program at the expense of the University (abroad and/or in the Republic of Kazakhstan), the GPA is at least 3.67. For students traveling under the academic mobility program at the expense of personal funds, the GPA is at least 3.0; - TOEFL or IELTS certificate (6) (knowledge of English).
Academic mobility of students, undergraduates, doctoral students and teachers is regulated by the following documents:
– Trilateral agreement;
– Agreement on cooperation between universities;
– Agreement on studying abroad;
– Individual student training plan;
– An order to send a student to study at a partner university;
– An order on the assignment of a teacher /employee to a foreign university (on enrollment by a student and admission to classes of the Host university);
– Academic transcript;
– A certificate of the student’s academic performance (transcript) during his/her studies at the Host university.
External and internal academic mobility in UDN named after Academician A.Kuatbekov
External academic mobility
External academic mobility of students at the UDN named after Academician A.Kuatbekov has been implemented since the 2018-2019 academic year and is coordinated “Department of International Cooperation and Academic Mobility”.
As part of the external academic mobility under the bachelor’s degree programs, students of the 2-3-year full-time faculty have been trained for a semester, as well as have been training and practical training at universities over the past 4 years at the Xinjiang Pedagogical University (China, Urumqi), the International Dyned Methodology from the USA, New Jersey, Suez University the canal of the city of Ismailia (Egypt), the Tajik Pedagogical Institute in the city of Penjikent (Tajik Republic), the Tashkent Chemical Technology Institute (Tashkent, Uzbekistan), the Kyrgyz State University named after I. Arabaeva (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan), Tashkent Financial Institute (Tashkent, Uzbekistan), Kama Institute of Humanities and Engineering Technologies (Izhevsk, Russia), Catherine the Great National Institute (Moscow, Russia), International Academy of Business and Management (Moscow, Russia), Bukhara Engineering and Technology Institute Institute (Bukhara, Republic of Uzbekistan), Bukhara State Medical Institute (Bukhara, Republic of Uzbekistan). At the same time, the university plans to expand, in accordance with the university’s strategy, to implement the program of external academic mobility to foreign countries.
Internal academic mobility
Within the framework of internal academic mobility, students study at the following universities: Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute named after I.Altynsarin, “Regional Socio-Innovative University” (Shymkent, South Kazakhstan region), Syrdarya University (Zhetisai, South Kazakhstan Region), M.Auezov SKSU (Shymkent, South Kazakhstan Region), University “Miras” (Shymkent, South Kazakhstan region), South Kazakhstan Humanitarian Institute named after Mardan Saparbayev (Shymkent, South Kazakhstan Region), Shymkent University (Shymkent, South Kazakhstan Region).
On November 24-25, Vladimir Vasilievich Kozlov, Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Department of Social and Practical Psychology, took part in the international scientific conference “Pedagogy and Psychology of the XXI century: Theory, Methodology and practice” dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan Yaroslovsky State University named after P.G. Demidov.
November 10-11, 2017 The university hosted an international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Academician A.M. Kuatbekov “Problems and prospects of modern achievements in production, education and science”, which was attended by Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor R.G. Mukharlyamov.
Also invited from RUDN, Professor of the Department of “Theoretical Mechanics”, Ph.D. R.G.Mukharlyamov gave a lecture on the topic “Application of motion stability in communication systems” on 09.11.2017 to students and teachers of the Department of “Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications”.
In order to activate external academic mobility in the specialty 5B011200 – Chemistry, the following professors-teachers of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology (Tash KhTI) from the Department of Pulp and Pulp Technology were invited: Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Adilov Rovshan Irkinovich and Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Rahmanberdiev Gappar Rahmanberdievich, gave lectures on “High molecular weight compounds” and “Physical Chemistry”.
On October 16, 2018, PhD Professor Mostafa Selmi from the Suez Canal University in Ismailia (Egypt) arrived at our university in order to exchange experience. From October 16 to 22 Mostafa Selmi gave lectures to students, held round tables, seminars for the teaching staff of the university.
On October 19, according to the plan, a round table on the topic “Education, science and exchange of experience” was held in the conference hall of the university.
The round table was attended by vice-rectors, director of the Research Institute, deans, heads of departments, teaching staff and students. Mister Mostafa Selmi made a report on topical issues of modern education and science, in conclusion, the professor answered all questions and willingly shared his experience.
It should be noted that the free exchange of opinions of the students participating in the round table in English in the future opens the way to close cooperation with foreign colleagues.
On November 19, 2018, the Kazakhstan Peoples’ Friendship Engineering and Pedagogical University hosted a meeting of the university’s management, structural divisions and students with the CEO of InterRes in Central Asia, the official representative of the unique International Dyned methodology from the USA, New Jersey Jeffrey Uitii and the founder of the ALIAR International Academy and the Bilikti Maman Training Center Usenova Gulnara Karimovna.
The main purpose of this meeting was to organize the training of teachers and students using a unique innovative method of mastering the English language. In his brief introduction, Mr. Jeffrey Whitey noted that recently this technique has been tested in 54 countries around the world, the feature of which is fast and high-quality training of specialists.
In addition, the representative of the company noted the great interest of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in carrying out this project and implementing this methodology in one of the most densely populated regions of the country – in the Turkestan region.
The management of the university, represented by the Rector, MD, Academician R.A. Kuatbekova, approved the initiative to introduce this pilot project in the KIPUDN as part of the development of language policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In the 2018-2019 academic year, negotiations were held between the Tashkent Financial Institute of the Republic of Uzbekistan and KIPUDN. In the period from February 28 to March 4, 2019, negotiations were held and an action plan on cooperation with the university was approved. On the basis of the agreement, partnerships were established in the field of education and science, after which, 5 undergraduate students of the specialty 5B050600 – “Economics” and 1 undergraduate student were enrolled for the spring semester at this university.
Vice-Rector for Strategic Planning and Development Suleimenova B.S., Head of the Department “Philology and Languages” Ph.D., Associate Professor U.S. Kairbekova, Ph.D. N.R. Laulanbekova participated in the “9th International Congress on Social Sciences dedicated to China” held on March 21-22, 2018-2019 academic year in Antalya, Turkey.
In order to activate external academic mobility in the specialty 5B050600 – “Economics”, Professor of the Tashkent Financial Institute, Doctor of Economics, Professor Zhuraev Toshbolta Tukhtaevich was invited on February 12-13, 2018-2019 academic year, who delivered a lecture on the topic “Cotton-textile cluster as an innovative component of the development of the agricultural sector”.
In order to activate the program of external academic mobility in the specialty 5B011200 – Chemistry, the following professors-teachers were invited on March 27, 2018-2019 academic year: Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology (BITI) Akhmedov Vohid Nizomovich and Bukhara State Medical Institute (BGMI) PhD Dr. Niyazov Laziz Nurkhanovich, delivered lectures on the discipline “Organic Chemistry” and “Analytical Chemistry”.
In order to activate the program of external academic mobility in the specialty 5B020700-Translation, Namalwa Irene, a citizen of Uganda, was invited to the 2018-2019 academic year for the fall semester.