Department of economics

The history of the Department

The Department of Economics and Finance was opened 10 years ago to train highly qualified specialists who meet the requirements of the market economy, on the basis of the faculty of pedagogy of the Aksukent Branch of the Kazakh-Uzbek University.

The Department has 2 professors, doctors, 10 candidates of economic and legal Sciences, 2 associate professors, 7 senior teachers-masters, 3 senior teachers, 2 teachers.

Students are provided with the necessary educational literature. The department is constantly updating the database of educational and methodological publications and with of literature.

Agreements were signed on the passage of students and undergraduates training and study and practical training with the following centers:

Insurance company JSC “Kazkom – policy”, Shymkent mortgage organization “Astana Finance”, Shymkent, South Kazakhstan region tax Department of Shymkent city, UCF of JSC “Eurasian Bank” branch in Shymkent, UCF “national Bank” branch of Kazakhstan, Shymkent UCF, Nurbank JSC, Shymkent.

Research work on “Issues in the special economy of South Kazakhstan region”is conducted. 19 scientific articles were published. Students and undergraduates deepen their knowledge, actively participating in research projects.

Staff of the Department develops qualitatively and creatively, thanks to the scientific and pedagogical activity of candidates of economic, legal, and other Sciences, conducting a great job to strengthen and develop educational programs.

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General information

Teachers of the Department, providing educational process on realization of educational programs have education corresponding to the profile taught discipline, scientific degree and academic rank, systematically engaged in scientific and teaching activities. In the field of research, the strategic orientation of the Department is the activation of fundamental and applied research at the macro-and micro-level, the expansion of students ‘ participation in research of current financial and economic problems, scientific discussions and seminars, participation in scientific activities of the region and the country, preparation and publication of scientific articles, monographs.

The task of the Department is implemented through the training of highly qualified specialists through the effective use of the latest achievements in science and higher education.

Scientific results obtained by students majoring 6В04110-Economics, 7М04130-Economics, 6В04140-Finance, 6В04150-State and local government, on the basis of term papers, theses or research projects are implemented in the educational process, the Department has acts of implementation of the results of the educational process.

Merits and achievements

Educational and methodical work

Staff of the Department develops qualitatively and creatively, thanks to the scientific and pedagogical activity of candidates of economic, legal, and other Sciences, conducting a great job to strengthen and develop educational programs.

“Economics” – the creation and organization of effective functioning of the system of training of highly qualified specialists, the dissemination and application of economic and legal knowledge, the provision of high quality educational services in higher education, leadership in the national space for training through the implementation of the principles of the Bologna process and modern quality standards.

The task of the Department is implemented through the training of highly qualified specialists through the effective use of the latest achievements in science and higher education.

Strategy of the Department in the field of education – provides for the search for the optimal balance of European values of education and national traditions of training of highly qualified specialists.

Scientific work

Scientific project:

Scientific results obtained by students majoring 6В04110-Economics, 7М04130-Economics, 6В04140-Finance, 6В04150-State and local government, on the basis of term papers, theses or research projects are implemented in the educational process, the Department has acts of implementation of the results of the educational process.

The Department of Economics is carrying out a funded research project “Improving production, financial and economic activities, as well as efficiency”, the customer of which is the PC “Akbulak-2001”, the results of the project are used in teaching such disciplines as “enterprise Economics”, “Microeconomics”, “project Analysis”, there are acts of implementation.

In accordance with the agreement, the Department of “Economics” plans in 2018 with LLP “UK Project Expertise” to analyze and conclude the OP 6В04110-Economics, 7М04130-Economics, 6В04140-Finance, 6В04150-State and local government. As experts involved employers.

Communication with higher education institutions and research institutes and centres:

Казахстанские и зарубежные ВУЗы Виды договоров
1 «Московский финансово-промышленный университет Синергия». Совместное взаимовыгодное сотрудничество по подготовке квалифицированных кадров с высшим образованием, для всех востребованных отраслей экономики РК и РФ
2 «Сибирский институт бизнеса и информационных технологий», г.Омск, Россия. Установление делового взаимовыгодного сотрудничества по вопросам организации научной стажировки и других форм практик магистрантов
3 Российский университет Дружбы народов. Обмен преподпателями, учеными и сотрудниками по краткосрочным и среднесрочным программам и сотрудничестов в области научно-дятельности, подготовке научно-педагогических кадров и доплонительного профессионального оброзования между сторонами
4 Университет Адам Бишкекская  Финансово-Экономическая Академия Установление делового взаимовыгодного сотрудничества в области высшего и послеввузовского образования науки, также обмену и стажировок студенческих магистрантов, докторантов и ППС
5 Кыргызский Экономический универстет им.Рыскулбекова. Установление делового взаимовыгодного сотрудничества в области высшего и послеввузовского образования науки, также обмену и стажировок студенческих магистрантов, докторантов и ППС
6 Ташкентский финансовый институт г.Ташкент Установление делового взаимовыгодного сотрудничества в области высшего и послеввузовского образования науки, также обмену и стажировок студенческих магистрантов, докторантов и ППС
Educational work

Educational work at the Kazakhstan engineering and pedagogical University of friendship of peoples in the reporting year provided for the implementation of the main strategic directions of the state youth policy.

The purpose of the educational work of the Department in the reporting period was: the creation of a humanistic, highly moral environment of education, contributing to the formation of professional competence of students with active citizenship, meeting the needs and expectations of modern society.

Tasks – formation of youth patriotism, moral and spiritual development, support of young talents, involvement of students in cultural, scientific and educational processes, ensuring the social rights of young people, improving the educational level of students.

– scientific, systematic, continuity and consistency of educational work

– respect for the rights and freedoms of students, democracy in the approach to solving youth problems

– unity of training and education, connection with the needs of social development

– comprehensive coverage of all students regardless of gender, nationality, social status and age

– combination of individual, group forms of educational work

– creation of a favorable socio-psychological climate, contributing to the effectiveness of the educational process;

The main directions of educational work in the reporting year:

  • Professional and creative education, development of professional competence and competitiveness of future specialists, training of specialists of the new formation.
  • Spiritual,moral and international education
  • Aesthetic education
  • Civil-Patriotic, multicultural education
  • Physical education and work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle.favorable social and psychological climate, contributing to the effectiveness of the educational process;
Faculty directory

Information about specialties

The Department of Economics prepares students for the following educational programs of 6 specialties:

6В04110 –«Economics»

6В04140 –«Finance»

6В04150 –«State and local government»

6В04130 –«Accounting and audit»

6В04160 – «Marketing»

6В04120 – «Management»

prepares specialists in 2 specialties of the master’s program:


7М04140-«Accounting and audit»

The Department has created the conditions necessary for the release of high quality and qualified specialists. Material and technical base, training laboratories, educational and methodical Fund at a sufficient level.

Educational programs of specialties 6В04110-Economics, 7М04130-Economics, 6В04140-Finance, 6В04150-State and local management, 6В04130 – Accounting and auditing focused on training bachelors in the field of:

– bachelor of Economics and business in the specialty “6В04110 – Economics” can carry out analytical, research, organizational and managerial (administrative) and educational (pedagogical) activities in the following areas: the study of the functioning of sectoral and regional markets, economic entities of various organizational and legal forms; improving the management system of the enterprise; the formation of economic strategy and policy of enterprises; regulation of socio-economic relations at the state, sectoral and intra-corporate levels;

Information on academic mobility

Within the framework of international cooperation and academic mobility from December 5 to December 15, 2022, lectures were held for undergraduates and students of educational programs 6B04110- “Economics”, 6B04130- “Finance”, 6B04110- “accounting and audit”, 6B04110- “marketing”, 6B04110- “Management” and 7M04110- “Economics”, 7M04110 – “accounting and audit”.
The purpose of visiting the Faculty of the Namangan Institute of engineering and technology is scientific and pedagogical internship within the framework of academic mobility, ensuring the quality of higher education in accordance with world standards, increasing its competitiveness.
Academic mobility allows students and teachers to study and scientific activities in foreign partner universities, a number of promising opportunities and advantages are the acquisition of invaluable international experience in the scientific and educational field, the expansion of professional knowledge and practical skills, the acquisition of useful language practice, the acquisition of training and communication experience in an international intercultural group.
Lectures were given by representatives of the teaching staff of the Department “Economics”, “Accounting and Finance”, “Marketing and Management”, “State and Local Government” of the Namangan Institute of engineering and technology-Shermatov Abdulahad Abdukholisovich – Ph. D., associate professor, Makhkamov Ibraim – Ph. D., associate professor, Ubayeva Sultonpatsha Saidikarim Kizi – Ph. D., associate professor, Ganiev Mukhamatjon Khalilovich – Ph. D. associate professor, Adilova Guzal abdazova-Doctor of Economics, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Rakhimov bakhromjon Ibrokhimovich-candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, bustonov mansurjon Mardonakulovich – doctor of economics, associate professor, Mukhitdinov Shukhrat Ziyavitdinovich – doctor of philology, doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Ibragimov Isroil Usmanovich – head.departments, doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Ubaydullayev Lutfulla Habibullayevich – candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Kazkhakov Olim Sabirovich – candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor, Salieva Gulbakhor Akhmadzhanovna-Ph. D., Ph. D., associate professor, Makhmudov Tahirjon Olimzhonovich-Ph. D., Ph. D., Senior Lecturer Sobirov Otabek olimzhonovich.
Representatives of the University held seminars and trainings on the methodology of scientific research and technology of organizing research work, actual problems of modern education, “application and application of innovative methods in teaching students in the classroom”, “innovative methods and methods of mixed lessons”, innovative development of the economy: the concept of “innovative economy and innovative technologies in university education”, problems and solutions, ” The scale of international cooperation between universities is expanding”, etc.

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