Education-methodical cabinet


 The methodical office is the structural division of Educational and methodical Management of the university which is responsible for methodical work and is created for the purpose of providing the effective organization and coordinating with educational process at the university. The office carries out the activity according to the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Charter of the university, decisions of administration, the Academic Council, orders, orders and instructions of the rector and vice rectors.

The methodical office provides educational divisions of the university with standard materials, the state obligatory standards of education (SOSE) and the standard curricula (SC) of specialties and standard programs for obligatory disciplines. Gives methodical support and control of development of the modular educational programs (MEP), the catalog of the description of MOP, syllabuses, educational and methodical complexes, manuals and textbooks for improvement of educational process compliance with credit technology of training.

Main objectives of a methodical office:

  • Organization of educational and methodical, standard and information work of the University;
  • Methodical ensuring implementation of educational programs;
  • Implementation of innovative educational technologies in educational process;
  • Development of normative, methodical documents for development, improvement and modernization of educational process;
  • Coordination of educational and methodical work of departments;
  • Control of a condition of standard and methodical documentation on training of future experts;
  • The organization of methodical work for the benefit of improvement of quality of training of specialists, modernization of educational process according to modern requirements, implementation of the strategy of development of educational activity of the university;
  • Control and reviewing of internal normative documents;
  • Monitoring of educational process and educational and methodical work for improvement of quality of carrying out educational process;
  • Coordination of educational and methodical process by all types and forms of education;
  • Organization, planning and correction of base of methodical ensuring educational process;
  • Organization, planning of publishing of the faculty;
  • Organization of methodical work on compliance to a quality management system

On September 20.09.2023, the head of the educational and methodological Department Suleimenova B. S. held a seminar for young specialists on the topic: “Improving the pedagogical professional skills of young specialists: methods and processes”.

Head of the methodical cabinet:

Erezhepova Meruert Valikhanovna

Year of birth: July 30, 1981

Contact phone: 8 702 951 73 75

Head of the methodological office 2011-2023

Education: International Kazakh-Arab University

Specialty: teacher of history and Arabic.

The total work experience is 19 years.

He has 20 scientific and methodological works, including 10 teaching aids, 2 articles published in foreign publications, 8 articles at international scientific and practical conferences.

Office 206;

tel: 87029517375; E-mail:;

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