The Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan together with the Republican state enterprise on the right of economic management “South Kazakhstan state University named after M. Auezov” head of the Department Tashkaraev R. A. received a patent on the topic “catalysts for producing cyclohexane”on 15.11.2019.
On November 14-15, 2019-2020 academic year in Nur-Sultan, in order to promote the program article of the Head of state N. A. Nazarbayev “Bolashakka bagdar: rukhani zhangyru”, organized by the National innovative research center “Bilim-orkenieti”, the head of the Department, doctor of historical Sciences, Professor Tashkaraev Rahmatulla Abdullayevich was awarded a diploma of the I degree.
On November 22, 2019-2020, a round table dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the Shardara district was held in the Shardara district of Turkestan region on the theme: “Тhe historical town Shardara”, candidate of chemical Sciences M. U. Mahmudov made a report on “the use of biological products in agriculture and their impact on the environment with soil fertility”.
As part of the panorama of open classes April 15, 2014 Ph. D., acting associate Professor of “machines and apparatus of food production” faculty of engineering and technology abdilova G. B. held an open session on the discipline “engineering graphics” in the state language in the groups of Ho – 303, HH – 301 in the specialty 5b072100 “chemical technology of inorganic substances”, 5B072000 “chemical technology of organic substances”. Lecturer: head of the Department of “medical chemistry” of Bukhara state medical Institute, doctor PhD Niyazov L. M. P.
The department “Natural History” was established in the 2000-2001 academic year, it was headed by then Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor I.B. Bekmuratov. Since 2002-2003 academic year, the head of the department is associate professor Kedelbayev B. Since 2012, the department is headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor R. A. Tashkaraev. The Department has 2 doctors of science, 7 candidates of biological and technical Sciences, 1 PhD, 2 senior teachers, 1 teacher and 2 master teachers. The Department study of about 219 students in 6В015-Training for teachers in natural science subjects (5B011200-Chemistry, 6В011300-Biology), 19 master students in the field 7М015-Training of teachers in science (6M011200-Chemistry, 6М011300-Biology). In the 2018 academic year opened doctorate Phd 8D015 – teacher Training in scientific subjects 6D011200- “Chemistry”. The Department of Chemistry and biology has highly qualified teachers, carries out the program of academic mobility according to the Bologna process, annually attracts foreign teachers from abroad for lectures, development of accredited specialties, seminars, participation in various conferences of the University, professional development, etc. To date, the Department of “Chemistry and biology” degree is 5B011300 – Biology – 60%, specialty 5B011200 – Chemistry – 67%. The Department for the purpose of training and field practice and scientific and practical, experimental work closely cooperates with: Shymkent arboretum Park, NGO “Ana – Zher”, Research center of SKSU M. Auezova, Tashkent Institute of chemical technology, South-Western research Institute of plant and animal husbandry,Kyrgyz state Technical University named after I. Razzakov, National University of Uzbekistan named after M. Ulugbek, Regional Socio-innovative University, Institute of Botany with many secondary schools of Shymkent, were concluded with new partner universities. Teachers are constantly active and accurate in assessing the knowledge of students, in the introduction of innovative methods in the learning process. The educational institutions have created the necessary conditions for improving the skills of teachers, mastering their methodological innovations and encouraging their work. Research work Faculty Department annually participates in various events, social activities of the University, national and international conferences. For a year and a half, the faculty issued 4 monographs, 1 scientific publication of the HAC, 1 impact factor Scopus, 2 economic contracts, 3 textbooks, 5 manuals one of them in English, 15 articles of International scientific and technical conferences, 15 articles within the Republic of Kazakhstan. Head of Department, Professor Taskaraev R. A. as a subject of scientific or technical activities,participated in the competition for grant financing of MON RK projects, contract No. 268 of 28 March 2018, on the theme “Development of technology for production of cyclohexane by hydrogenation of benzene on ferroalloys promoted by skeletal Nickel catalysts” and won the project in the amount of 15 million for 2018-2020 It together with the teachers of the Department (art. Makhatova A. I., St prep. Ormanova A. B. and undergraduate Turginbekova A.). performs research work according to the project schedule. At the Department under the guidance of the head. professor Taskaraev R. A. is working on the following research projects registered in NCSTI Almaty: The Department has concluded economic contracts for the implementation of research works with the following The following acts of implementation of the results of research in the educational process: List of agreements of domestic and foreign research institutes, etc., as well as other educational institutions on mutual cooperation in the provision of educational services. On November 10-11, 2017 at the University of friendship of the peoples of Kazakhstan, an international scientific and practical conference was held on the theme: “Modern achievements in the field of production, education and science: problems and prospects”, dedicated to the 75 th anniversary of academician А.М. Kuatbekov. Invited to the conference guest, doctor of chemical Sciences, Professor of the Institute of General and inorganic chemistry АNRuz g. Tashkent, Department of “cellulose Technology” gaffar rahmanberdiev gave a lecture on “the Use of carboxymethylcellulose in the production of dry mixes” for students of the Department of chemistry and biology. The Department of Chemistry and biology prepares students in the following 2 specialties: 6В015- Training of teachers in natural science subjects 5В011200 – Chemistry, 5В011300 – Biology and on the 2nd specialties of magistracy: 7М015- Training of teachers in natural science subjects 6М011200- Chemistry, 6М011300- Biology and doctoral degree programs: 8D015- Training of teachers in natural science subjects 6D011200- Chemistry Distinctive features of the specialty The main objectives of the educational program in the specialty 6В015 the podgatovka teachers on scientific subjects 5V011300 – Biology is to prepare highly educated, in providing in the field of new biological and environmental technology, competitiveness of the student mirovym educational space in the era of technocratization and globalization. The main objectives of the educational program of bachelors in the direction of 6B015-Training of teachers in natural science subjects 5B011200 – “Chemistry” are: secondary schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges, etc., as well as research institutions and laboratories of specialized disciplines, state management organizations, etc. The main objectives of the educational program of masters in the direction of 7M015-“Training of teachers in the natural science subject” 6M011200- “Chemistry” are: -chemistry teacher, senior laboratory assistant, laboratory assistant, Junior researcher, administrative worker, head teacher in educational institutions and organizations of General secondary education, vocational education, secondary special education, out-of-school institutions and organizations of additional education and upbringing. – training of high-class specialists for teaching in universities and colleges; – training of highly qualified specialists for research activities in the field of chemistry; 7М015-“Training of teachers of natural science subject” 6М011300- “Biology” are: – training of high-class specialists for teaching in universities and colleges; – training of highly qualified specialists for research activities in the field of biology.The main objectives of the doctoral specialty 8D015 podgatovka teachers in natural science subjects: – meeting the needs of the individual in the field of vocational education, creating conditions for the implementation of the principle of individualization and differentiation of the learning process; – deepening of theoretical and practical individual training of the doctoral student in the chosen direction of science and pedagogical activity; – development of the most important and stable knowledge by the doctoral student, providing a holistic perception of the scientific picture of the world; – formation of students ‘ ability to self-improvement and self-development, needs and skills of independent creative mastery of new knowledge; – training of specialists capable of solving modern scientific and practical problems and carry out research, management and teaching activities in higher educational institutions; – achievement of high quality of post-graduate professional education in compliance with the mandatory requirements for the level of training of doctoral students; – creation of a system of control over the effectiveness of higher educational institutions and research organizations engaged in the training of doctoral students; – regulation of the rights and responsibilities of students in doctoral studies, promotion of independent educational, research and professional activities of doctoral students; – ensuring the recognition of the documents of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the assignment of the academic degree “doctor of philosophy” (Ph.(D) and “doctor in profile” in the international educational space and the labour market; Graduates can work in the following jobs Graduates of bachelors of specialty 6B015-Training of teachers in natural science subjects 5B011200 – “Chemistry” has the opportunity for employment in such organizations and institutions as: – secondary and specialized schools, colleges, gymnasiums, departments of education; – department of education; – research organizations (institutes) of chemical profile. Bachelor of education in the specialty 6B015 podgatovka teachers in natural science subjects 5B011300 – Biology are: – secondary primary and specialized school; – specialized school; – organization of technical and vocational education Graduates of masters in the direction 7M015- “Training of teachers in a natural science subject” 6M011300- “Biology” has employment opportunities in such organizations and institutions as: – secondary and specialized schools, colleges, gymnasiums, schools, departments of education; – research organizations (institutes); – state and non-state institutions (institutes of advanced training, publishing houses). 7M015- “Training of teachers in natural science subject” 6M011200- “Chemistry” has employment opportunities in such organizations and institutions as: – secondary and specialized schools, colleges, gymnasiums, schools, departments of education; – research organizations (institutes)); – state and non-state institutions (institutes of advanced training, publishing houses); Graduate doctoral specialty 8D015- “Training of teachers in natural Sciences” has good opportunities for employment in organizations and institutions such as: – institutions of higher education, scientific research, organization of education; the education authorities. – Kazakhstan and international funds to support national education system development programs; – education management organizations; – organization of General education; – higher education institutions providing training of specialists – psychologists, educators, social educators and social workers; – state and local authorities; – commercial companies and non-governmental organizations. – city and Republican social services, employment centers; – law enforcement organizations and penitentiary institutions; – educational institution; – rehabilitation centers of various profiles; – sports and creative organizations. – educational institution.
Since October 2004, the department was renamed the department “Chemistry and Biology”, head. The department was рrofessor Maysarov D. A.
Types of conferences
Articles published in the near abroad
Materials of the article on the collections of international scientific conferences in Kazakhstan
Monographs (textbooks)
Articles in publications with impact factor (ISI web of Knowledge, Thomson Reuters)