The Department of marketing and vocational guidance

The Statute of the division
Main task

In order to ensure the qualitative formation of the contingent of students and undergraduates, improve the efficiency of career guidance on the initiative of the rector’s Department of marketing and career guidance was created. The Department provides organizational, methodological, advertising and information support for the formation of the student contingent and training of students for admission to the University.

The main tasks of the Department are:

  • Recruitment of students for the first year of undergraduate, as well as those wishing to continue their studies in graduate and doctoral studies;
  • Marketing research to study the market of educational services;
  • Production and provision of all activities carried out by the University, promotional products to promote the image of the UDN;
  • Organization of individual work of the University staff with graduates of pre-University secondary and secondary special educational institutions to inform about the possibility of obtaining engineering specialties in the University;
  • Preparation of graduates of schools and colleges to the UNT and KTA;
  • Conducting career guidance work with employees of industrial enterprises that are part of the “Corporate University”, in order to attract to the second higher education, master’s and doctoral programs;
  • The annual Internet Olympiad among students of 11th grade schools in Shymkent and Turkestan region on subjects submitted to the UNT and KTA;
  • “Open day” for graduates of schools and colleges, University tours, online-meetings and conferences, participation in the annual exhibitions of career guidance direction.

Благодаря слаженной и системной работе отдела маркетинга и профориентации, который организовывал и осуществлял выезды ППС и членов молодежной организации “Жас Отан” в составе мобильных групп в 2018 году университет произвел набор на первый курс в количестве 1400 человек.

The Department has 3 employees headed by the head of the Department.


Press Secretary: Esdauletova Ulbosyn Kurmanova

Esdauletova Ulbosyn Kurmanova 1976.22.03

KazGNU name of Al-Farabi, faculty of “Journalism”. Total experience: 22 years. Contact phone: 8 702 692 00 69 Press Secretary: Primary functions of the press Secretary.

  • perform tasks and objectives in accordance with the development strategy of the University public Relations – media. Coverage of events, preparation of expectations from journalists, holding meetings.
  • Information component – preparation of materials, news, presentations.
  • Organizational area of action. The spokesperson checks with the rector’s schedule to build a competent plan for his important meetings/negotiations.
  • Representation of the brand.
  • Control of the content of the information site.
  • Media and public relations specialist must:
  • Monitor the work of employees of the University, departments, departments.
  • Read the material (interviews, appeals of the head) before submitting it to the circulation.
  • Plan future business events.
  • Establish cooperation with journalists.
  • Prepare releases.
  • To coordinate the elements of the brand book, the nature of the printed information presented to the public.
  • Give information about the schedule of the management.

The press Secretary was entrusted with the maintenance of the archive of published materials analysis of the reactions of the public to share the news about a company – the amount of duties identifies a specific employer. This employee can be assigned responsible tasks:

  • planning of rebranding;
  • monitoring the situation on the media market;
  • the formation of the base members of the press;
  • work with public/charitable organizations.

A press-the Secretary may conduct briefings with the staff of the Department of advertising, branding, and marketing. It can develop the company’s corporate website or control the correctness of the information displayed on it.

PR – manager: Shoygaraeva Nagima Orazymbetovna

PR-manager duties:

  • Perform tasks and goals in accordance with the development strategy of the university;
  • Organize work on public relations and mass media;
  • Develop a strategy for communication with representatives of the public and the media and the corporate identity of the university, an action plan for building or adjusting the image of the university’s corporate culture;
  • Develop a plan for PR campaigns;
  • Organize press conferences, briefings, media kits, backgrounds, interviews with university executives in the media;
  • Organize preparation press releases about university activities;
  • Explore attitudes towards university activities, organize surveys, questionnaires and public interviewing;
  • Inform university administration about the results of opinion polls;
  • Analyze proposals for the participation of students in the organization of various events (exhibitions, press conferences, presentations, festivals, charity events, etc.), gives an opinion on the possibility of joint participation in PR-actions conducted by third-party organizations;
  • Analyze the effectiveness of conducted PR campaigns.

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