Department “History and law»

The history of the Department

In 2001, the Department of history and geography was formed as a part of the faculty of Humanities and education. In 2016 the Department was renamed and received the name “History of Kazakhstan and social and humanitarian disciplines”. The main purpose of the Department was to train highly qualified specialists in accordance with the needs of the region and the country. In the period from 2000 to 2018, the Department constantly replenishes and updates the material,technical and educational-methodical base necessary for conducting the educational process at a high level. In February 2018, the Department of “History of Kazakhstan and social and humanitarian disciplines” was accredited by the Agency “NAAR” and was highly appreciated. Specialty “6В01610 – History” was awarded as one of the best specialties of the University, accredited by the Agency. According to the results of institutional accreditation in 2017 and specialized accreditation in 2018, the specialty “6В01610 – History” was accredited for a period of 5 years

Personal page


General information

The purpose of the Department is to prepare comprehensively developed specialists who are able to work effectively in modern conditions and adapted to the intensive socio-economic development of society.  Main activities:

  • Training of qualified pedagogical and scientific personnel with knowledge of innovative technologies, high moral principles and skills of research work in the field of history, archeology and Ethnology;
  • Ensuring the effectiveness of the educational process in the disciplines approved in the curriculum of the Department in the forms of full-time and distance learning;
  • Implementation of the results of research work of the Department in the educational process;

Objectives of the Department in the field of quality:

  1. Increase to 90% of the performance of students majoring in “6В01610 – History” in the disciplines taught at the Department, in the implementation of innovative teaching methods and parameters of the Bologna process.
  2. Participation of the teaching staff of the Department in competitions funded innovative research projects.

.           Carrying out activities among students at the University in the framework of the work on education of patriotism and competitiveness№

  1. Conducting career guidance work on the recruitment of students in the Russian-language Department of the specialty “6В01610 – History”.
  2. Improving English language skills among students-historians.
  3. Increase to 85% of the index of publication of student scientific work in journals and proceedings of national and regional scientific conferences.
  4. Increasing the number of scientific publications of the faculty of the Department in foreign publications.
  5. Prevention of non-compliance with the requirements of international accreditation.


Merit and achievement

“History of Kazakhstan and social and humanitarian disciplines” is to provide quality training of highly qualified specialists through the integration of education, science and production in accordance with the needs of the region and the country. As part of this mission, the teaching staff of the Department makes every effort and knowledge for quality training of students in the specialties “6В01610 – History” and “6В01560 – Geography”. Ph. D., associate Professor of the Department of Sartbaev C. J. it is awarded by breastplates “S.Altynsarin”, “20th anniversary of independence of Kazakhstan”, PhD Jakes D. B. marked by the “excellence in education of  Kazakhstan”. Students Makhanov N. And. Omirbek A., Begman J., Turganbek S., B. Tagaibek Participated in various student scientific conferences, contests and competitions, where they received certificates and diplomas.

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Educational-methodical work

“Spiritual renewal: modern historical science and historical continuity of the Kazakh khanate»

Open lecture of the candidate of historical Sciences, associate Professor Sh. Zh. Nartbaev on the theme “Spiritual renewal: a modern historical science and historical continuity of the Kazakh khanate”.

During the lecture S. J. Narbaev told the audience about the uniqueness of our history, about the peculiarities of spiritual and material culture of the Kazakh people.

Research work
Educational work

Educational work of the Department “History of Kazakhstan social and humanitarian disciplines” Educational process at the Department “History of Kazakhstan social and humanitarian disciplines” is part of the professional and personal development of future professionals and is carried out in order to form students active citizenship, preservation and enhancement of moral, cultural and scientific values in modern life, develop skills of constructive behavior in the labor market, preservation and revival of traditions of the University.

For five years the Department has been working to improve the Model of Patriotic education of students on the example of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Ah. Nazarbayev. Updated article in the collections in aid of the curators of student groups, was supplemented with the Foundation of didactic materials.

In the Address to the people of Kazakhstan “Kazakhstan’s way-2050″: common goal, common interests, common future” President N. Ah. Nazarbayev formulated and justified the national state-forming values of “Mangilik El” and pointed to the vital need for the formation of a New Kazakhstan Patriotism. The Address clearly presented a new, constructivist approach to Patriotic education, identified the main directions of its development.

This required bringing the Patriotic education of students in accordance with the main directions of the formation of a New Kazakhstan Patriotism.

Department news

March 28-29, 2019 at Pavlodar state pedagogical University was held “XI – Republican subject Olympiad among students of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the specialty 6В01610 – History”. The team “Dostyk”, defending the honor of our school, won prizes

Graduates of the Department
Catalogue of тeaching staff
Catalogue of elective disciplines
Information about specialties

The Department “History of Kazakhstan and social and humanitarian disciplines” prepares students in the following 2 specialties:

6В01610 – “History»

List of qualifications and positions

A bachelor’s degree in 6В01610 – History is awarded an academic bachelor’s degree in history.

Bachelor in this specialty can teach the history of Kazakhstan, world history and Humanities in high school, high school, high school, College and other secondary and secondary vocational schools, as well as hold positions in public and private institutions (institutes of advanced training, publishing houses), consulting firms, educational institutions (laboratory assistant, head of the office, consultant, Manager, etc.), etc.

Types of professional activity

Bachelors in the specialty 6В01610-History can perform the following professional activities:

– educational (pedagogical);

– research;

– consulting;

– cultural and educational;

– organizational and managerial.

Typical tasks of professional activity.

Typical tasks of professional activity of bachelors are:

– improving the efficiency of the educational process;

– planning of lessons, extracurricular educational work;

– improving methods of teaching hist

Areas of professional activity

– history of Kazakhstan, world history, museology;

– archaeology; Ethnology; archival science;

6В01560 – “Geography»

 Description of specialty:

Specialty “Geography” today is one of the most popular specialties, which trains highly qualified teachers-geographers, competitive in the modern labor market in accordance with international requirements and capable of carrying out professional activities aimed at personal and social development of students, psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process, as well as the coordination of social spheres of the educational process.

Geography is a specialty that carries out practical and field experimental research using the laws of natural Sciences.

Benefits of training:

The educational program of the specialty “Geography” is implemented at the University in the following areas: students learn to create geographical areas, work with meteorological equipment; acquire professional competence necessary for a geography teacher, have the opportunity to study a foreign (English) language in the framework of the trilingualism program.

Opportunities for students within the specialty:

The faculty has specially equipped classrooms where students receive the necessary skills and abilities. One of the main conditions for choosing a University for students is the presence of a military Department at the University. Training at the military Department, which is the main tool of military training of young people, gives students an excellent opportunity to become a military reserve officer.

The result of improving the research work of students is their participation in competitions, competitions, conferences, etc., as well as an increase in the number of students-winners in various scientific events.

The ability of students who have completed a bachelor’s degree in “Geography»:

During the four years of study, students receive in-depth knowledge of the environment and its reality. University graduates can perform the following professional activities:

– organizational and managerial;

– industrial- technological;

– educational (pedagogical);

– research.

A graduate with a degree in geography will be able to work as a specialist of different levels in the following industries:

– public secondary education and higher education;

– state meteorological stations;

– organization for the protection of nature and the environment.

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