“Day of languages of the people of Kazakhstan”

Kazakhstan is a unique country in terms of its versatility, multilingualism and multiconfessionalism. Every year on September 22, Kazakhstan celebrates a unique holiday “Day of languages of the people of Kazakhstan”, which unites representatives of more than a hundred ethnic groups. A solemn event devoted to the Day of the Languages ​​of the People of Kazakhstan was held at Peoples’ Friendship University named after Academician A.Kuatbekov. At the festive evening, linguists who made a significant contribution to the development of language policy were awarded. Noting that language is a priceless asset of the people. The language of every nation is the code of its centuries-old history and culture. Therefore, the preservation and development of ego remains an important condition for the formation of national identity and dignity. The main goal of the Day of the Languages ​​of Kazakhstan holiday is to foster love and respect for the native language, while simultaneously expanding knowledge about the languages ​​of other nations living nearby. Respectful attitude at the state level to the culture and languages ​​of all ethnic groups has led to unique results. Representatives of all nationalities of the country consider themselves citizens and patriots of Kazakhstan. Having the opportunity to separate from their national culture and language, they respect the language and culture of Kazakhs, they consider it the main unity in the country. On the holiday, students of the university performed various entertainment programs.

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