Naturally – Engineering Faculty

Faculty history

In 2000-2003 academic year, as part of the University began the faculty of “engineering and Humanities” the first Dean.V. V. St. associate Professor B. A. was the Head of Daniyarov, 2006-2009 academic year. D. In the 2008-2009 academic year, the faculty held a competition” Memlekettik TLD Blu-parity ” for the winners of the Republican contest and graduates of children’s homes to receive free education for the entire school year.Kuatbekov’s lightness was given. In the 2009-2010 academic year, 49 students became holders of the state grant. 2009-2012 academic year faculty T. V. ul. – M.: Science, 1989.Headed Taskaraev. In the 2011-2012 academic year, the faculty was divided into engineering,technical and humanitarian faculty. In 2012-2014 academic year he was Dean of the faculty of engineering and technology.V. V. p. I. O. associate Professor T. Headed Medeuov, in 2012-2013 academic year 20 students became owners of the state grant. The faculty has created great opportunities for students from low-income, disadvantaged, left without parental care. Our graduates are currently working at good places, namely Koltsova Dauletova Marjane, who graduated in 2014, specialty “radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications”. – In 2014, she graduated from the specialty “radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications” Kasymbekova Gulzira kairatovna worked as a specialist in Kazakhtelecom, in 2015 she graduated from the specialty “radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications” Kateshov Kanat Talgatovich studied at the Polytechnic College, in 2015 she graduated from the specialty “Construction” Turabekov Nurbek Agabekugli-a specialist in the field of administrative construction of Astana. Graduated in 2015 with a degree in” Design ” Musabekov Bauyrzhan Olimzhanovich-designer-architect in Astana. T. B.    Our graduates are our pride. Students studying at the University, actively involved in public works, were able to find a job at the University. In 2015-2016 academic year the faculty was renamed into natural engineering.P. Manages Ilesov, today is working on the introduction of new modern educational technologies in the educational process.

About faculty

Dear students!

Highly qualified specialists work in the field of education, including prominent laureates of the state prize in the field of science and education, famous scientists, academicians, doctors of science and candidates of science, professors and associate professors, PhD doctors and teachers with extensive experience in the field of pedagogy and science

The faculty provides you with the opportunity to undergo training, production and pre-diploma practice in leading organizations, as well as state institutions of the city and country. Students of natural-engineering faculty have the opportunity to obtain not only deep knowledge, but also the development of thinking, culture, mobility, creativity and leadership qualities.

This is a guarantee of our future success.


Development of the curriculum of a special course, as well as the introduction of changes and additions on the basis of model programs in various disciplines.

– Educational work with students is carried out by curators in academic groups.

– Implementation of the leadership of the scientific work, study, study, production and pre-diploma practice of students.

– Implementation of integrated methodological support of disciplines in the Kazakh and Russian languages.

– The participation of teachers in research works, scientific and methodological seminars.

– Implementation of educational work with students, the implementation of curatorial work in academic groups.

Educational work

Educational work is an important part of the educational activities of the department and is carried out continuously during school and extracurricular time.

Planning, organization and conduct of educational work at the faculty is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education”, orders and instructions of the rector of the university, normative and methodological acts of the university.

The direct organization of educational work is carried out by the pro-rector on educational work.

Students take an active part in the social work of the university, faculty and department. Measures are being taken to provide vocational guidance to future highly qualified specialists, which are important in the professional education of young people.

Professionally oriented activity

Vocational guidance activities are activities aimed at preparing the younger generation for the informed choice of a profession. Professionally oriented activity allows you to discover the world of professions, their content, features; realize their role in the development of production in a market economy; compare the requirements of professions with the abilities of the individual; requires education qualities necessary for the chosen specialty (profession).

Naturally – the Faculty of Engineering of the Kazakhstan Engineering and Pedagogical University of Friendship of Peoples – one of the leading departments for the preparation of natural science, technical and teaching staff. At our faculty, located in the educational building “A” on Tole Bi street, more than 1000 students study. The contingent of students is represented by students of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan. The scientific and pedagogical activity of doctors of science, professors, candidates of sciences, associate professors, masters, senior teachers and teachers is aimed at training highly educated, competitive specialists.

The faculty trains highly qualified engineers and teachers. University graduates can work in the national economy, construction, manufacturing enterprises, telecommunications of the Republic of Kazakhstan. If desired, you can continue your studies at the master’s and doctoral programs in the country and abroad.

Educational and laboratory bases. Professors and teaching staff consists entirely of experienced professionals. Students are taught 5 doctors of sciences, professors, 15 candidates of sciences, associate professors. Students have the opportunity to engage in science, culture, sports, master computer technologies, and learn foreign languages.

The faculty prepared consultations of specialists in the field of pedagogy and engineering.

of the research work are occupied by Dr. Sc. R. R. Tashkaraev, Ph.D., Professor A.K. Kayyrgaliev, Ph.D., Professor Makhmudov Z.U. Ph.D., Associate Professor A.Salybaev, Ph.D., Associate Professor B.M. Batyrov, Ph.D., Associate Professor B.A. Khalmurzaeva, Ph.D.L.K.Asambayeva, Ph.D., associate professor M.Zh.Duisembiyev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor EM M.Nauryzbaev, Ph.D.,

Professor E.Kaldygozov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor A.T. Medeuov, Ph.D., Professor S.K.Kerimbekova, Ph.D., Professor A. Yunusov, Ph.D., Associate Professor A.Karabaev, Ph.D., Professor L.M.Musabekova, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor M.O. Balabekova, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor M.N.Akylbayev, Candidate of Technical Sciences,

Associate Professor M.A.Amandikov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor M.Sarypbekov, Ph.D., Associate Professor Z.B.Tukubayev, Ph.D., Associate Professor A.Karataev, Ph.D., Associate Professor M.N.Akylbekov, Associate Professor G.A. Omarova, etc.

The Declaration is an official observation, which is created, if necessary, during the Dean and under his leadership;

  • The main goal of the dean’s office is solving everyday issues between departments and the faculty.

Dean’s office – deputy dean, head of the department, head of the methodical commission of the faculty, representatives of public organizations of the dean’s office.

  • The work of the dean’s office is carried out according to the annual plan.

In preparing future specialists, the university uses the credit technology of education. Training in all specialties is conducted in the state and Russian languages.

General provisions of natural-engineering faculty

1.1. The faculty is part of the academic, educational and administrative structure of the university.

Educational and methodical and research work of the department.

1.2. The faculty conducts full-time training.

For the organization of educational work in institutions can be created units.

1.3. All faculties and laboratories are combined in special departments and laboratories.

1.4. The faculty is created by order of the Rector of the University.

1.5. A scientific and methodological council under the guidance of a professor or an experienced assistant professor is created in the faculty.

1.6. At the faculty under the direction of the dean the council of the faculty was created.

1.7. The faculty under the guidance of the dean conducts general education, educational, scientific, methodical and educational work.

The faculty offers you the opportunity to undergo training and production and certified training.

Students of the Faculty of Natural Sciences not only gain profound knowledge, but also develop their thinking, culture and mobility, creativity and leadership.

This will guarantee our future success.

The organizational basis of the natural – engineering faculty is made of 4 departments:

Department “Informatics and Mathematics” Head of Department

Ph.D., associate professor A.Yunusov

Department of Chemistry and Biology Head of Department

d.t.s, доцент Tashkaraev R.A

Department “Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications” Head of Department

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor M. Sarypbekov

Department of “Oil and construction industries” Head of the Department of Candidate of Technical Sciences, senior lecturer M.T. Rysbekov

Naturally – the Faculty of Engineering is considered the advanced faculty of the university. Prepares personnel for large enterprises of the region in the following specialties:

Technical specifications

1 6B02 – Arts and Humanities 6B021-Art 5В042100- “Design”
2 6B06 – Information and Communication Technology 6В062-Telecommunications 5В071900- “Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications”
3 6B07- Engineering, manufacturing and construction industries 6B071- Engineering and Engineering 5В072100- “Chemical technology of organic substances”
4 6В07- Engineering, manufacturing and construction industries 6В073- Architecture and construction 5В072900- “Construction”
5 6В06- Information and Communication Technologies 6В061- Information and Communication Technologies 5В070400- “Computer Engineering and Software”
6 6В06- Information and Communication Technologies 6В061- Information and Communication Technologies 5В060200- “Informatics”
Pedagogical  specialties
1 6B01 – Pedagogical sciences 6B014- Teacher training with a subject specialization of general development 5В010700- “Fine Arts and Drawing”
2 6B01 – Pedagogical sciences 6B015- Teacher training in science subjects 5В010900- “Mathematics”
3 6B01 – Pedagogical sciences 6B015- Teacher training in science subjects 5В011100- “Informatics”
4 6B01 – Pedagogical sciences 6B015- Teacher training in science subjects 5В011200- “Chemistry”
5 6B01 – Pedagogical sciences 6B015- Teacher training in science subjects 5В011300- “Biology”

As one of the required parameters of the Bologna process in the framework of academic mobility, students are exchanged between educational institutions of the republic and educational institutions of the countries of near and far abroad.

Research circles, a fun and resourceful club, student amateur art circles and sports clubs contribute to the effective use of free time by students.

All conditions are created to improve the social status of students. A modern library, an electronic reading room, free internet, an assembly hall, a gym, a medical office, a canteen, a hostel – all this creates conditions for students to get a decent education.

In order to provide students of the Faculty of Quality Education every year, qualified specialists from higher educational institutions of the countries of near and far abroad are invited.

Graduates of our faculty successfully work in educational and social spheres. Among them are many well-known talented leaders.

Deputy Dean

Ilesov Zangar Konysbekovich

Senior Lecturer, Master of Laws. Z.Ilesov was born in 1977. In 2000, he graduated from the university “Kainar” with a degree in Law.

In 2014, he graduated from the magistracy in law at Taraz University of Innovation and Humanities. In 2011-2015. – Chairman of the Youth Committee of the University of Engineering and Humanities. Lecturer of the department “Jurisprudence”. From 2005 to 2011 – Deputy Dean of the correspondence department. From June 2014 – Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology.

Mobile phone: 8-701-372-08-78, Phone. 8-7252-95-26-16

The faculty has a complete credit technology system.


Senior Methodist Zhabaeva Aidana Rysbaevna

Zhabaeva Aidana Rysbaevna was born in 1993, in 2014 she graduated from Kazakhstan Engineering and Pedagogical University of Friendship of Peoples in the specialty 5В071900 “Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications”. Qualification – Bachelor of Engineering and Technology. From 2014 to the present, she has been working as a senior methodologist at the natural-engineering faculty.

Studying process

By academic mobility

The goal of the adopted strategic program in the field of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan is to prepare a highly qualified, competitive, owning modern innovative technologies, capable of professional self-improvement, a socially and professionally mobile specialist.

Academic mobility is the transition of students or teachers-researchers to a certain stage of a semester or academic year in accordance with the procedure and rules of mandatory recalculation of an educational program based on the university’s credit system.

Academic mobility is divided into external (international) and internal (national) academic mobility. External academic mobility – receiving education by students abroad, as well as the activities of research teachers in foreign educational and scientific institutions. Internal academic mobility – studying students and the work of research teachers in leading educational institutions of Kazakhstan.

Internal academic (Kazakhstan) mobility is the receipt of education by students, the direction of research teachers for a semester or academic year to other higher educational institutions (within the country) for study or research. A prerequisite is the assimilation of educational programs corresponding to the (identical) native higher education institution.

Internal academic mobility is provided by the office-registrar of academic mobility (coordinator of the program of internal academic mobility).

The following documents are provided for internal academic mobility:

1) an application addressed to the rector;

2) copies of a notarized invitation in Kazakh or Russian;

3) the application of the student;

4) trilateral agreement;

5) a copy of the Faculty Academic Council;

6) transcript;

7) a certificate confirming the level of knowledge of a foreign language;

8) individual study plan;

9) medical certificate (form №082).

According to the program of internal academic mobility of the natural-engineering faculty, they are sent to the Regional Social Innovative University, the University of Shymkent, the University of Syrdarya, South Kazakhstan State University

As part of external academic mobility, they are sent to the Kyrgyz State University named after I. Arabaev.

Dual training

The dual learning system is the technology of learning the theory in relation to production. Initially, dual training was founded in Germany. The efficiency and effectiveness of the dual education system in the training of professional specialists has been proven in practice. The system of dual education is widespread in the world. One striking example is the dual system of vocational education in Germany. According to this system, two thirds of their time students learn on the job and only a third of the time is devoted to theoretical training and knowledge management.

The main goal of the dual training system is to prepare professional educational institutions together with partner employers – private sector enterprises, business entities (institutions) – competitive specialists in a market economy, ready to master new innovative and technological programs.

Currently, the dual training system is one of the most effective ways in the world to train technical and professional specialists. The training of qualified specialists who are directly adapted to the specific conditions of production, the development of practical skills and knowledge in the workplace, the inclusion of practical hours in the curriculum is known as the dual training system.

Research work, Research work of students
Faculty Achievements

From May 15, 2017, the Kazakhstan Institute of Engineering and Pedagogical University of the City of Shymkent, by an external expert commission, assessed the compliance of the activities of the university with the standards of institutional accreditation and educational programs in stage 1: 5В010900-Mathematics; 5В11100- «Informatics»; 5В070400-Computing equipment and software; 5В011200- Chemistry; 5В011300-Biology standards specialized accreditation of the IAAR.

From February 12 to February 14, 2018, the 2nd stage of specialized accreditation for the following educational programs passed: 5В042100- Design; 5В071900- Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications; 5В072100- Chemical technology of organic substances; 5В072900- Construction;

Programms Date of accreditation Accreditation term Expiration  date
1 5В071900 – Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications 29.03.2018 3 years 28.03.2023
2 5В042100 – Design 29.03.2018 3 years 28.03.2023
3 5В072100 – Chemical technology of organic substances 29.03.2018 3 years 28.03.2023
4 5В072900 – Construction 29.03.2018 3 years 28.03.2023
5 5В010900 – Mathematics 19.06.2018 3 years 18.06.2020
6 5В11100- «Informatics» 19.06.2018 3 years 18.06.2020
7 5В070400 – Computing and software 19.06.2018 3 years 18.06.2020
8 5В011200 – Chemistry 19.06.2018 3 years 18.06.2020
9 5В011300 – Biology 19.06.2018 3 years 18.06.2020

The development of student international contacts is envisaged, both within the framework of international associations and through direct exchanges with foreign universities. The university has a debate club “ALAN”, which is one of the leaders among the teams of universities in South Kazakhstan. The student team of KVN “Zertas” is in the top league of KVN RK. The faculty has a youth wing “Zhas Otan”, “Alliance of Students of Kazakhstan”.

A team of first-year students of the specialty 5B011200 – “Chemistry” from April 11 to April 12, 2018 (leading master-teacher S. Ormanov B., students Muhamov M., Shatanova U., Kuanyshbai D.) participated in the X Republican student subject Olympiad among students of higher educational institutions in the specialty 5B011200 – “Chemistry” in Kyzylorda State University named after Korkyt ata, and took the 3rd place.

The development of student international contacts is envisaged, both within the framework of international associations and through direct exchanges with foreign universities. The university has a debate club “ALAN”, which is one of the leaders among the teams of universities in South Kazakhstan. The student team of KVN “Zertas” is in the top league of KVN RK. The faculty has a youth wing “Zhas Otan”, “Alliance of Students of Kazakhstan”.

The scholarship of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2018 was awarded to 4 students of the natural engineering faculty: Zhakapov Doskhan Adilkhanovich, Batan Akerke Zhandarbekovna, Tungyshbai Zhansaya Makhmudbekovna, Madiyar Shynar Bauyrzhanovna.

According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 545 “On the appointment of vacant (vacated) educational grants in the process of obtaining higher education” dated February 5, 2018 19 students (2, 3, 4 courses), recommended for a grant for good academic performance 2017-2018 school year, received a grant from the 2018-2019 school year.

5В071900 – “Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications”

Group T719-17

  1. Abilaziz Dinara Alikyzy
  2. Utebekov Azat
  3. Kurmanbay Zhuldyzai Nurlankyzy

5В060200- “Informatics”

Group T602-16 toby

  1. Aubakir Samal Maratkyzy
  2. Nurzhigi t Daulet Mukhtaruly

5B070400 – “Computers and Software”

Group T704-16

  1. Abdumalik Ghani Abdizhaliluly
  2. Yerkin Mәdina Yerkinkyzy
  3. Khaniyeva Dina Yerlankyzy

5В071900 – “Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications”

Group T719-16

  1. Ziyabek NuraiSerikyzy
  2. Ghulam Amankyz Tursynkozhakyzy
  3. Kaztai Medeu Sarsenbekuly

5B072100 – “Chemical technology of organic substances”

Group T721-16

  1. Beysebay Serzhan Bahytuly
  2. Saidakhmatov Zhavokhir Kahramanovich
  3. Nurymbet Nurbek Ashirbekuly

5В072900 – “Construction”

Group T729-16

  1. Kanatov Myktybek Orynbekuly
  2. Iztileu Aidarkhan Saparbekuly

4 course

5В072900 – “Construction”

Group T729-16

  1. Zhasuzakh Nurbol Erboluly
  2. Zhumadil Bizhan Kanatbekuly
  3. Saurbaev Almas Sansizbaevich

November 6, 2018 in the Kazakhstan Engineering and Pedagogical University of Friendship of Peoples held a solemn event “Dedication to students” freshmen. Vice-rector for scientific and international relations Nurlybayev Nurzhan, vice-rector for educational and social work Sadykov Berdikul, dean of natural-engineering faculty Ilesov Zangar, dean of humanities-pedagogical faculty Botabaeva Zhanna, university faculty and first-year students took part in the festive evening.

The culmination of the evening was the presentation of a symbolic student card and a symbolic key to students who had crossed the threshold to a great life. The students’ symbols were awarded to the elder of the group of the specialty “Biology” Akberdi Arailym and the student-activist of the specialty “Law” Abdulla Myrzali. Student cards were solemnly presented by the dean of the natural-engineering faculty Ilesov Zangar and the dean of the humanities-pedagogical faculty of Botababeva Zhanna, who wished the first-year students good luck and success on the path to knowledge.

The official student ticket ceremony was replaced by a concert program. There were songs, kui, humorous sketches of the participants of KVN “Zhaydarman”. The event smoothly turned into a disco.

At the Initiation of the students were played and lottery. Pocket watches, mobile phones and other valuables were exhibited as prizes.

Rector of the University R.A. Kuatbekova presented letters of appreciation to activists and enthusiasts.


The younger generation, which entered a big life and chose our university, familiarized themselves with the life of Kuatbekov Abdumusy Muratovich – the founder of the university, who devoted himself entirely to science. The activity of Abdumusy Muratovich, who in difficult times chose the path to science, is a model for young people.

Professor Omar Esenali Omarkhanovich in his speech proudly noted the high achievements of Abdimusy Muratovich. The vice-rector for educational and social work, Sadykov Berdykul Kadyrkulovich, called upon the youth to be compared to a well-known personality – Abdumus Muratovich, a true patriot of his country.

Employers, graduates

List of employers of specialties of the faculty of natural engineering


Мамандықтар тізімі мен шифр

/Наименование специальностей и шифр

Жұмыс  беруші мекемелер

/наименование работодателей


Руководитель  организации

1.5В010700- «Бейнелеу өнері және сызу»

5В010700 –«Изобразительное искусство и черчение»

№ 72 жалпы орта мектебі Директор школы  Ахметбаев Аманбек Молдабекович
2.5В010900-«Математика» 1.«Шымкент көпсалалы колледжі»- Шымкентский  многопрофилный колледж

2.№19  Ө.Жәнібеков атындағы ЖОМ- Общая средняя школа № 19 им О.Жәнібекова

Директор  Усипбалиев Ахмет Бералиевич

Директор Шукибасов Айдаралы

3.5В060200-«Информатика» 1.Тынышбаев атындағы Каз ККА ШК Директор колледжа Айдарбаев Р.В.
4.5В011100- «Информатика» 1.Хамза атындағы №53 жалпы орта мектеп

2.Kaz Damu

Директор Маншетов Ахмет

Директор фирмы Нурмуханбетова Гульира Кенжеевна

5.5В011300-«Биология» 1.Ана-Жер» атындағы ЖОМ

2.А.Асқаров атындағы Дендросаябағы

3.«Аксукент» көп салалы коледжі

4.№ 24 С. Ерубаев атындағы мектеп- лицей

Директор    Х.С.Усманов

Пилалов К.А.

Директор колледжа Қуатбекова Карамат Пердешовна

Директор школы Есім Ұ.Ә.

6.5В011200-«Химия» 1.Аксукент көп салалы колледжі

2.№ 27 С. Мәртөбе жалпы орта мектебі-

Общая средняя школа №27 им «Мартобе»

Директор колледжа Қуатбекова Карамат Пердешовна

Директор школыТанеев Б.Т.



5В072900 –«Строительство»

1.ЖШБ «КазТрансСпецСтрой-ТОО

2.ЖШБ «Сити Инжиниринг

3.ЖШБ «Синтез

4.ЖШБ «Төл Құрылыс»

5.ТОО «Жер -Шары»

6. ТОО Corporation Sintez

Директор Кенжебаев Султан Акимович

Директор Ажидинов Сайдин Сайфуддинович

Директор Тажимурат Бағдаулет Жанжігітұлы

Директор Ешимбетов Шайырбек Туребекович

Директор Рысбеков Марат Турсыналиевич

Директор Таджимуратов Алишер Төребекұлы

8..5В042100-«Дизайн» 1.ЖШБ«Кереге – 7»

2.ЖШС «АРТ-Стиль»

3.ЖШС «ДeltaTradindCo»

Директор Жалымбетов Ниязбек

Директор Нургалиева Азиза Нургалиевна

Директор Алимтаев Такен

9.5В71900-Радиотехника,электроникажәне телекоммуникация»

5В071900 – «Радиотехника,
электроника  и телекоммуникации»

1.ОҚО РТТД «Казтелерадио»АҚ филиалы

2.«Транстелеком» АҚ филиалы Шымкент қаласы

3.ЖШС «ЛКС Сервис»

Директор Кулумбетов Алмас Курмангазыулы

Басқарушы директор орынбасары Арзыкулов Лесбек Алибаевич

Директор Арипжанов Нығмет Талипович

10..5В072100-«Органикалық заттардың химиялық технологиясы»

5В072100 – «Химическая технология органических веществ»

1.ТОО «Stratus Oil»

2.ТОО «Эко Битум»

3.ТОО «Петро Казахстан Оил Продактс»

Директор Туранов Бахытжан Дулатович

Директор Калкаман Бейбіт

Президент Чень Пин Кунь

11.5В070400-«Есептеу техникасы және бағдарламалық қамтамасыз ету»

5В070400 – «Вычислительная техника и программное обеспечение

1.ТОО «Ақбастау-К»

.Contacts: 8 (7252) 95-26-16, 115


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