Candidate of chemical sciences, professor Kuatbekova Karamat Perdeshovna

One of the founders of the University is also the candidate of chemical Sciences, Professor Kuatbekova Karamat Perdeshovna – Teacher with a capital letter.

During the years of perestroika, it managed to unite thousands of specialists for a good purpose – the training of young people. She currently holds the position of Director of the Aksukent multidisciplinary College.

In 1998 she was awarded the title of Professor of the University. Since 2008 — corresponding member of the Kazakhstan national Academy of natural Sciences. Since 2012 — Honorary Professor of the University. She was awarded the badge “Honored worker of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.

Since 2001, a member of the “Nur Otan” party, an Honorary citizen of Sairam district. Awarded a letter of Thanks to akim of South Kazakhstan region.

Pupils Karamat Pardasani fruitfully work in all sectors of science, education and culture. K. Kuatbekova is the author of more than 50 scientific works, including 2 monographs and 2 textbooks, 4 methodical and 2 practical manuals.

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