On January 31, 2023, Vice-RECTOR for Digitalization Maksat Yesenov and PhD, Associate Professor, IT specialist OKT Bibol Zhakipbayev met with professors of KazNARU. A delegation of young scientists of the […]

The head of the marketing and career guidance department for career guidance Mamadiyarov Marat Duisenovich and specialists of the marketing and career guidance department Batirov Babyr, Tungyshbai Zhansaya conducted career

On January 21, 2023, the Youth Scientific Forum “III YRA Forum” was held, organized by the public association Young Researchers Alliance. The event was attended by young scientists, top managers

On the first working day of 2023, a planned online meeting of the leadership of two flagship universities of the southern regions took place: Academician A.Kuatbekov Peoples’ Friendship University (Shymkent,

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