On December 8-9, 2023, the Festival of Innovative Ideas “Inno.Fest” Qyzylorda 2023 was held in Kyzylorda with the support of the akim of the Kyzylorda region. «Inno.Fest» Qyzylorda – an […]

On December 22, 2023, within the framework of the 25th anniversary of the University, the Peoples’ Friendship University named after Academician A. Kuatbekov is holding an international conference “Modern Pedagogical

Dear teaching staff and students!!! Beware of the flu!!! Wear masks! Prevention of influenza/SARS: Personal hygiene, frequent hand washing with antiseptic or soap. Do not visit crowded places, public places

On December 7, 2023, the First International Forum of young scientists and students was held in Shymkent on the basis of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, with the support of

On December 6, 2023, the vice-rector for science and innovative works, Ph.D. Under the leadership of professor T. Raimberdiev, with the participation of the heads of the departments of post-graduate

On December 6, 2023, a gathering of young scientists took place in Shymkent. Organizers: National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the President of the Republic of

On November 30, 2023, a business meeting with the IT community took place in Shymkent. The organizer of the meeting is the regional representative of Astana Hub: Shymkent IT Hub

The management of the Peoples’ Friendship University named after Academician A.Kuatbekov, namely doctor of medical sciences, professor Kuatbekova R.A. – Rector of the Peoples’ Friendship University named after Academician A.Kuatbekov

From 19.09.2023 to 10.11.2023y. the teaching staff of the department of «Pedagogy and Psychology» successfully completed a 72-hour refresher course on the topic “The way to the heart of a

On November 10, 2023, the Digital Day was celebrated for the first time at the Peoples’ Friendship University named after Academician A. Kuatbekov. The «Digital officers» of the University were

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